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Recommended Websites

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Learning A to Z

  • Reading A to Z is a digital library of leveled books and quizzes for interactive reading practice.



  • This website is offering free accounts for families through the end of the year. Sign up for a free account here.

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Improving Literacy: Kid Zone

  • Click "read" in the top right-hand corner to access books to read



  • Click "listen" in the top right-hand corner to listen to books being read aloud

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Reading Rockets

  • Check out the "For Parents, Teachers and Others" tab



  • On the bottom left-hand side there is a list of apps organized by topic 

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Start with a Book

  • The "Explore Topics" tab opens to a page with different topics and books children can read to explore different topics. 

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Text Project 

  • Under the "parent and tutor tab", there is a list of lessons that can be done at home. 

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